April Parent Trainings
Hello Irvington families. April is Autism Awareness Month! We will spend the month promoting acceptance and as we continue on our journey of raising awareness. The Special Services Department remains committed to continuing to provide training and support for all of our families with children with disabilities.
During the month of April the Zoom Meetings will shine the light on Autism, while reinforcing, “Best Practice strategies” for you to implement in your home and in the community. Friday April 2nd is “World Autism Awareness Day”. Let’s all shine the light on Autism Acceptance in Irvington. Please wear something blue, decorate your door and turn on a Blue Light on your porch or in your window! https://www.autismspeaks.org/light-it-blue
The April parent training dates and topics are as follows:
April 14th: The Impact of Autism on Communities of Color – What you can do now to make a difference in your child’s future.
April 28th: Acceptance! Celebrating our Families – Live Event
Zoom Meeting Link https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/98220510529?pwd=SmRhU01aK004cVpOZ1lYRmVVUGU3dz09