Welcome to the Physical Education and Health Website
In today’s society, the need to promote a strong body and mind are more important than ever. Problems such as alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse, sexually transmitted disease, obesity and physical inactivity diminish the quality and longevity of life. Research has proven the correlation between an active body and academic success. The Health and Physical Education Department of the Irvington Public Schools provides a motivating and enriching K-12 program that meets the physical, mental, emotional, and social needs of our students. The curriculum is designed to support the other core subjects while also providing our students the necessary skills to improve and maintain their health and wellness for a lifetime.
The physical education department believes its mission is to expose all students to the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle and the involvement of physical activities they can participate in for a lifetime.
- Irvington Public Schools utilizes the SPARK curriculum in all K-12 physical education classes. SPARK is endorsed by the New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NJAHPERD), SHAPE America, and the U.S. Department of Education as school based solution to solve our nation’s health issues.
- SPARK lessons are designed for students to engage in 80% physical activity times, and aim to help student progress in their sports and motor skills, fitness metrics, and cooperative skills.
- All Irvington Public Schools Physical Educators receive yearly professional development on effectively implementing the SPARK curriculum in their classrooms.
- Irvington Public Schools utilizes BrainPop to facilitate our health curriculum in grades 6 to 12. Current research indicates students performance outcomes are increased in health classes when implementing BrainPop’s three-tier approach of utilizing multimedia, assessment, and supplemental assignments.
- BrainPop lessons are designed to deliver health content that meets NJDOE Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Standards, and due to the addition of lessons to the curriculum catalog each year, the health classes will always educate students on content applicable in today’s world.
- All Irvington Public Schools Physical Educators receive yearly professional development on effectively implementing the BrainPop curriculum in their classrooms.
Physical Education
Ray-Quell Cotton
973-399-3897 ext. 1838
Here to Assist You
Gwendolyn Murray
973-399-6897 x1839
You Should Know
• Personal Growth and Development
• Safety • Decision-Making and Goal Setting
•Character Development • Sexuality • CPR Instruction
• Nutrition • Medicines • CPR Instruction
• Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
• Dependency/Addiction and Treatment
• Pass Driving Test • CPR Instruction
• Safety (related to motor vehicles)• Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
(related to driving DWI)
• Diseases & Health Conditions
• Social & Emotional Health• Advocacy & Service
• Health Services & Information• Relationships • Sexuality • CPR Instruction
Physical Education at University Middle School and Union Avenue Middle School is and integral part of the total educational process, which contributes to the development of the individual through the natural medium of physical activity- human movement. The program is a carefully planned sequence of learning experiences designed to fulfill the growth, development, and behavioral needs of all students.
State law in each grade, 6-8 requires classes in physical education and health. Approximately one-fourth of the time in grades 6-8 is spent in health, while three quarters is spent in Physical Education. Health instruction includes the following; New Jersey Core Content Standards, 2.1 Wellness, 2.2 Integrated Skills, 2.3 Drugs and Medicines, and 2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality.
Course Title: Physical Education- Grade 6 – 8
Requirement for Elective: required
Physical Education 6-8 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 1 marking period of health, and 3 marking periods of physical education. Based on three marking periods, this course will deal with the development of the skills and concepts of competition and sportsmanship. Higher-level concepts of game play and strategies will be introduced to students. This is accomplished through the development of fundamental physical skills, knowledge of rules, teamwork, sportsmanship and fitness. Basic motor skills enhancement will play a major role in the course. Areas such as spatial awareness, loco motor skills, non- loco motor skills, hand eye coordination and foot eye coordination will be developed through student activity stressing large muscle group participation. Activities will include aerobics, badminton, basketball, fitness, floor hockey, power walking, project adventure activities, soccer, softball, speedball, table tennis, team handball track and field, volleyball, and weight training. Aerobic capacity and levels of fitness will be from leading a healthy active lifestyle. Assessment areas will include student participation, physical skills, and written testing. Through written testing, language arts and mathematics will be integrated into this course.
Health Education – Grade 6-8
Requirement for Elective: required
Health Education 6-8 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High School. Approximately one-fourth of the time in grades 6-8 is spent in health, while three quarters is spent in Physical Education. Health instruction includes the following; New Jersey Core Content Standards, 2.1 Wellness, 2.2 Integrated Skills, 2.3 Drugs and Medicines, and 2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality. Based on one marking period, the course includes topics, 2.1 Wellness: all students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. 2.2 Integrated Skills; all students will develop and use personal and interpersonal skills to support a healthy lifestyle. 2.3 Drugs and Medicine; all students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy active lifestyle. 2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality: all students will acquire knowledge about physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
Physical Education at Irvington High School is and integral part of the total educational process, which contributes to the development of the individual through the natural medium of physical activity- human movement. The program is a carefully planned sequence of learning experiences designed to fulfill the growth, development, and behavioral needs of all students.
State law in each grade 9-12 requires classes in physical education and health. Approximately one-fourth of the time in grades 9-12 is spent in health, while three quarters is spent in physical education. Health instruction covers the following areas: Family Life Education, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco, Driver’s Education Theory, and Health Issues and Concerns.
Course Title: Physical Education- Grade 9
Requirement for Elective: required
Credits Hour: 5
Prerequisites: 8th grade Physical Education
Physical Education 9 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 5 credits combined with 1 marking period of 9th grade health. Based on three marking periods, this course will deal with the development of the skills and concepts of competition and sportsmanship. Higher-level concepts of game play and strategies will be introduced to students. This is accomplished through the development of fundamental physical skills, knowledge of rules, teamwork, sportsmanship and fitness. Basic motor skills enhancement will play a major role in the course. Areas such as spatial awareness, loco motor skills, non- loco motor skills, hand eye coordination and foot eye coordination will be developed through student activity stressing large muscle group participation. Activities will include aerobics, badminton, basketball, fitness, floor hockey, power walking, project adventure activities, soccer, softball, speedball, table tennis, team handball track and field, volleyball, and weight training. Aerobic capacity and levels of fitness will be from leading a healthy active lifestyle. Assessment areas will include student participation, physical skills, and written testing. Through written testing, language arts and mathematics will be integrated into this course.
Health Education – Grade 9
Requirement for Elective: required
Credits Hour: 5
Prerequisites: 8th grade Physical Education
Health Education 9 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 5 credits combined with 3 marking period of 9th grade Physical Education. Based on one marking period, this course deals with human sexuality and family living. The human sexuality portion of the course will include an in depth study of the topics of sexual anatomy, the reproduction process, pregnancy, prenatal care. Also studied will be abstinence, birth control, ending a pregnancy. HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted disease will be discussed. Character development and responsibility are common threads which will run through all aspects of this course. The family living portion of the class will include dating; marriage, parenthood, family values and social, moral, and emotional implications that can occur over choices mad regarding sexual behavior as a teenager. All students will be able to identify proper resources which provide information assistance, and care in addressing sexual and reproductive health issues.
Physical Education- Grade 10
Requirement for Elective: required
Credits Hour: 5
Prerequisites: 9th grade Physical Education
Physical Education 10 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 5 credits combined with 1 marking period of 10th grade health. Based on three marking periods, this course will deal with the development of body control activities. Perceptual motor activities, coordination, balance, and flexibility will be enhanced in all students. Knowledge of rules, teamwork, sportsmanship and fitness will be incorporated into all student activities. Students will analyze and apply the movement concepts of biomechanics, physiology and kinesiology. Comprehensive instruction will take place in the following physical activities: aerobics, badminton, basketball, fitness, floor hockey, power walking, project adventure activities, soccer, softball, speedball, table tennis, team handball track and field, volleyball, and weight training. Aerobic capacity and levels of fitness will be developed in each student along with the understanding of the benefits that can be derived form leading a healthy active lifestyle. . Assessment areas will include student participation, physical skills, and written testing. Through written testing, language arts and mathematics will be integrated into this course. Physical Education 10 is offered as a four day a week option to accommodate students taking a complementary science lab.
Health Education Grade 10
Requirement for Elective: required
Credits Hour: 5
Prerequisites: 9th grade Physical Education
Health Education10 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 5 credits combined with 3 marking period of 10th grade Physical Education. Based on one marking period, this course will present essential and current information on drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse. The negative consequences of each will be stressed. All students will learn the physical, mental, emotional, and social effects that the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs can create. Peer pressure, problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making strategies will stressed throughout this course. All students will be able to identify proper resources for providing information, assistance and care in addressing dependency, addiction, and treatment options. A unit on Death and Dying and Fitness and Nutrition will also be completed during this course. Students will learn about the benefits of a healthy diet and how to create a meal plan. Students will learn coping skills necessary to deal with issues concerning death and dying. Physical Education 11 Requirement for Elective: required Credits Hour: 5 Prerequisites: 10th grade Physical Education Physical Education 11 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 5 credits combined with 1 marking period of 11th grade health. Based on three marking periods, this course will deal with the physical, social and emotional development of student’s attitudes through participation in team, individual and dual sports. Floor skills including rhythmic and mimetic will be utilized by students to stimulate both fine motor and gross motor skill movement. History of sport and benefits of healthy competition will be introduced to the students. Activities engaged in will include: aerobics, badminton, basketball, fitness, floor hockey, power walking, project adventure activities, soccer, softball, speedball, table tennis, team handball, track and field, volleyball, and weight training. Participation in activities for a lifetime will be stressed. Aerobic capacity and levels of fitness will be developed in each student along with and understanding of the benefits that can be derived from leading a healthy, active lifestyle. Through written testing, language arts and mathematics will be integrated into this course. Physical Education 11 is offered as a four day a week option to accommodate students taking a complementary science lab.
Driver Education Grade 11
Requirement for Elective: required
Credits Hour: 5
Prerequisites: 10th grade Physical Education
Students will receive 5 credits combined with 3 marking period of 11th grade Physical Education. Based on one marking period, this course will provide students with the proper knowledge on becoming a licensed safe driver on our roads and highways. Areas stressed in the course will include: the impact of emotions on driving, the problems associated with Alcohol, Drugs, and driving, and the consequences, the implied consent law, and the GDL (graduated driver’s lincense0 rules. Other topics will include the physical skills of driving, motor vehicle laws, map reading and responsible vehicle ownership. The course will be based on the premise that driving is a privilege, and NOT a right. The reasons for this will be fully discussed. The course will culminate with the students preparing for and taking the state written Drivers Examination Test.
Physical Education Grade 12
Requirement for Elective: required
Credits Hour: 5
Prerequisites: 11th grade Physical Education
Physical Education 12 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 5 credits combined with 1 marking period of 12th grade health. Based on three marking periods, this course provides activities that develop physical coordination, stamina, fitness, and agility. Positive social behavior will be demonstrated by the students while competing in various activities. These activities will include: aerobics, badminton, basketball, fitness, floor hockey, power walking, project adventure activities, soccer, softball, speedball, table tennis, team handball, track and field, volleyball, and weight training. Preparing the student to be a productive member in society is a course objective. Models of fair play, sportsmanship and teamwork will be stressed. Aerobic capacity and levels of fitness will be developed in each student along with the understanding of the benefits that can be derived form leading a healthy active lifestyle. Participation in activity for a lifetime will be stressed. Assessment areas will include student participation, physical skills, and written testing. Through written testing, language arts and mathematics will be integrated into this course. Physical Education 12 is offered as a four day a week option to accommodate students taking a complementary science lab.
Health Education 12
Requirement for Elective: NA
Credits Hour: 5 Prerequisites: 11th grade Physical Education
Health Education12 is required by the state of New Jersey to graduate High school. The students will receive 5 credits combined with 3 marking period of 12th grade Physical Education. Based on one marking period this course deals with in-depth subject matter on relationships, social and emotional health,consumer health and public health. Regarding relationships, the following areas will be addressed and discussed: decision-making, conflict resolution, family values, and social, moral, and emotional implications that can occur over choices made regarding sexual behavior. Social and Emotional health will address such areas as; recognizing mental problems, caring for the mentally disabled, and suicide. Students will attain a knowledge base for consumer and public health issues. All students will be able to identify the proper resources for providing information, assistance, and care in addressing these topics.
Adaptive Physical Education Grade 9-12
Requirement for Elective: NA
Credits Hour: 5
Prerequisites: None
Based on four marking periods this course is designed to provide physical education for selected students in the least restrictive environment possible. Students for this course are assigned by Special Services in compliance with the IEP requirements. Emphasis is placed on individual skill development and reflects the activities of mainstream students. Concepts such as spatial awareness, fine and gross motor skills, rhythm, and hand-eye coordination will be stressed. Aerobic capacity and levels of fitness will be developed in each student along with a basic understanding of the benefits that can be derived form leading a healthy active lifestyle. Activities that can be participated in for a lifetime will be introduced to all students.