Welcome To Bilingual, ESL and World Languages
English Learners (ELs) Programs
The intent of the Irvington Public School District’s English Learners (ELs) Program is to ensure that students receive a well-developed program that includes the integral components of language arts (e.g., listening, writing, grammar, spelling, composition) as well as the language of the content areas (e.g. mathematics, science and social studies).
It is our obligation, as educators, to respond to the affective needs of students as well as to their cognitive needs. Students, in our program, feel motivated to learn and they are given opportunities to express their own meaning in a non-threatening environment. Cultural understanding is promoted in various ways so that students are prepared to live more harmoniously in our community. We therefore hope to instill in our EL students a positive, realistic understanding of their individual worth, abilities and potentials. This will be done as ELs progress through grades and become useful, productive and broadminded individuals in our society.
World Language Program
Based on current research early exposure to a second language has a lasting academic effect on students.
- Young children are at an optimal time to learn other languages;
- Children in early second language programs, where curriculum is aligned with other core areas, show gains in standardized tests of basic skills, and derive additional cognitive and affective benefits;
- Early language learning results in improved literacy skills. Reading and writing processes are similar for first and second languages. Skills and strategies are transferable for first to second language and vice versa. Well-constructed elementary world languages curriculum will positively influence literacy skills in both first and second language learning; and
- Improved second language capability for students can only be obtained with uninterrupted, well-sequenced, long-term language instruction.
Most of all, the need for a second language is not a luxury, it is a requirement if our students are going to compete with a global marker and universal workplace.
- Our program provides coherent and standards-based world language programming through research-based best practices, professional learning, and development of curriculum and assessments
- Our program provides students access to language learning, cultural literacy and global competency critical to college, career and community readiness
- Our program provides student access to a challenging and well-rounded education, inclusive of world language learning for all.