Secondary English Language Arts Mission Statement
The mission of the Secondary (6-12) English Language Arts Department is to provide instructional leadership in English Language Arts that supports district school communities in preparing students for college and career. We collaborate with teachers and other stakeholders to build their capacity to respond to student needs by providing standards-based curriculum documents and assessments and professional development in effective research-based literacy strategies, so that all students graduate with the requisite communication skills to become contributing members of society.
Secondary English Language Arts Vision Statement
We believe that providing every student with a rigorous curriculum designed to advance students through the grades and master the NJ Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language will prepare them for the complexities and increasing demands of the 21st Century. From grade 6 through grade 12, students will increasingly:
- demonstrate independence
- understand one’s own thought process
- build strong content knowledge
- respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
- comprehend as well as critique
- value evidence
- use technology and digital media strategically and capably
- come to understand other perspectives and cultures
You Should Know
To learn more about the Common Core State Standards Initiative, please visit the following website:
Here to Assist You
Hutchins Latasha,
Secretary Ext 1670
Once you learn to read,
you will be forever free.
–Frederick Douglas