Make a New Beginning This Spring
Spring always marks a time of renewal. There are signs of new life all around us as nature reminds us that we’re at a new beginning. Spring can also mark a time of renewal for us. The winter months are behind us, and we look forward to warm weather and perhaps the end of the school year.
This time of year brings with it the opportunity to reflect on the year thus far and to look ahead to any positive changes we may want to make. It’s a time for spring cleaning of our homes but also of our souls, as we too can be made new.
Spring Cleaning for Your Home: Decluttering your home, reorganizing and reimagining where you live can have many mental health benefits for us and our children. Clearing out clothes your child has grown out of, getting rid of toys or other items around the house that are no longer of use can help a space feel new.
Engage your child in this process to teach them important life skills about the benefits of taking care of your space, of clearing clutter and clearing your mind. Help your child to appreciate prioritizing what’s important- what to keep and what to let go of.
Adults need to declutter too- if you haven’t worn something this past year, you probably won’t wear it. If you didn’t like that product you bought, get rid of it. There is no need to throw items away that may be useful to someone else. Look to donate what you don’t need.
Deep cleaning and decluttering can give us a real sense of calm, as we enjoy a more functional space,
Spring Cleaning for the Soul:
Set goals for spring: What positive changes would you like to make this spring? Is it time to start that workout routine you’ve been thinking about? Are you ready to explore a new hobby or career? Is it time to rethink or to make changes in your relationships? How do you wish to be made new?
Let Go of What’s Burdening You: Think about the things that have been weighing you down. What are the stressors in your life? Take some time to examine these- reflect and determine which of these things are under your control? If there are important changes you can make to improve your life, do so. Maybe a relationship is toxic for you. or maybe your living or work situation is making you unhappy. What steps can you make to change what’s frustrating you?
Sometimes what’s weighing on us is outside of our control. If so, release it. What if releasing it isn’t possible. While you can’t control a situation, you can always control how you respond to it. What changes can you make to how you allow a major stressor to affect you? Is there a different approach you can take? What new coping strategies can you employ?
Feed Your Soul With Activities That Celebrate Spring!
Plant a garden with your child. If space allows outside your home, plant a small garden with your child outside. Select seeds and plan how you will care for your plants. Enjoy watching what you’ve nurtured together, grow.
Get Out into Nature: One of the best ways to improve your mood is to get out into nature. This spring, get outside with your kids. Enjoy the beautiful parks of Essex County, The Turtle Back Zoo, the Great Falls of Patterson, NJ. Go for walks, have picnics, play games outside. Get your child off of video games, and show your child the beauty of nature, and the enjoyment unique to experiencing it as a family.
Allow spring to be a time of reflection, of mental and physical growth. Clear your home, clear your mind and open your heart to renewal.