Interwoven throughout each grade level are learning objectives that involve the following Social Studies Skills:
Social Scientific Problem Solving
- Students are taught to recognize a problem, make relevant hypothesis, select pertinent data, test their hypothesis, and reach conclusions and apply their conclusions to new situations.
Decision Making
- Students are taught to define goals, identify alternatives, analyze alternatives and choose the best alternative.
Social Political Participation Skills
- Students participate in persuading, compromising, and debating as they identify situations in which action is required and then work to influence those in positions of social power.
Critical Thinking
- Students are taught to distinguish between fact and opinion, distinguish relevant from irrelevant information, determine the credibility of a source, detect bias, determine the strength of an argument or claim, move from specific to general, and make inferences from available information.
Personal Skills
- Students learn to communicate their convictions, feelings, or beliefs, adjust their behavior to fit the dynamics of the situation, appreciate alternative perspectives, and respect individual differences and similarities. Students will continue to build relationships with their teachers, peers, and families by focusing on the following themes: respect, responsibility, empathy, compassion, attitude, motivation, accountability, persistence, trustworthiness, and integrity.