Chancellor Avenue Elementary School’s Visitors’ Policy
1. Visitors are not allowed entrance at any exit except for the Main Entrance or Back Entrance. This includes all District employees (Maintenance, Supervisors, Directors, Technology Coaches, Consultants, etc.)
2. Security guards will greet guests as follows:
a. Good morning/afternoon. Welcome to Chancellor Avenue Elementary School
b. May I see a picture ID?
c. How may I assist you?
3. Visitors will record their name, time, and destination in the sign-in book located at the security desk in the front lobby entrance.
4. The Security Guard will issue a visitor pass with the visitor’s name, destination, and date. The security guard will communicate the following:
a. Please keep your pass displayed throughout your visit.
b. When you leave, please return to the security desk return your pass to me and sign out.
c. Please report to the Main Office.
d. Enjoy your visit.
5. Security will inform office staff that a visitor is on her/his way to the main office. Office staff will respond.
6. Security will observe as the visitor enters the office.
7. Office staff will greet the visitor in the following manner:
a. Good morning/afternoon. Welcome to Chancellor Avenue Elementary School. How may I help you?
8. If the visitor requests to interact with staff or students, office staff will confirm the visitor’s identity in Power School. *If the visitor is not documented in Power School, the visit or removal of the student will not be allowed.
A. Types of Visits
a. Meeting with teacher – The teacher will confirm the appointment and the teacher will meet the visitor in the guidance counselor’s conference room or available office.
b. Visit the class – The teacher will confirm the appointment and office staff will wait for a security guard to escort the visitor to the requested class. The teacher will call for security to escort the visitor back to the main office or security desk at the conclusion of the class visit. *Subject to Administrator’s discretion due to District Covid-19 Procedures*
c. Meet with a student – Office staff will ask about the nature of the visit and call the teacher to send the student to the office with a pass.
d. Outside agency request to visit or sign out student – ID must be produced and copied. Contact administrator for permission to proceed.
e. Sign a student out – The office staff will inform the teacher and request that the student be released to the office for dismissal. The visitor must sign the student out in the Student Sign Out book.
9. If a visitor is unaccompanied in the halls, a security guard must ask the following:
a. Good morning/afternoon. How may I help you?
b. Please wait while I confirm with the office.
c. Security will inquire via walkie-talkie and make sure that the visitor remains with her/him.
d. If the visit is confirmed, the security guard will escort the visitor to her/his destination.
e. If the visit is not confirmed, the security guard will escort the visitor from the building.
10. When the visitor leaves, he/she must report to the security desk to sign out and return the visitor’s pass.
11. Should there be a fire or any other emergency or drill, the point of contact will accompany the visitor in executing the requirements of the school’s protocol.
12. Parents/Guardians who desire to observe a class must speak with the Principal to arrange an appointment 24 hours prior to the visit.
13. There will be no visitor-teacher conference during instructional time. A copy of a teacher’s schedule is available upon request from the Main Office.
14. At dismissal time, all students who are not picked up by 3:05 will be escorted to the Main Lobby by their teachers. Parents and guardians who arrive late must report to the Security officer and sign their child(ren) out.
15. Upon dismissal, parents, and guardians of Kindergarten students will sign in at the desk in the Gym and proceed to retrieve their children. They are also required to sign the teacher’s log, which will be presented to them at dismissal.
rev 23-24