Welcome to Madison Avenue School “where everyday is a great day for teaching and learning”. We are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment that promotes teaching and learning. We understand that a strong academic foundation provides the framework to being a successful citizen in society. It is our mission to develop every child’s academic potential and their ability to be a contributing member to our community both now and in the future.

Madison Avenue Elementary School is a pre-kindergarten to grade-5 school with a mission to provide a quality learning experience that is sensitive to the needs of a culturally-diverse community. Our student population is a culturally-diverse learning community that enhances understanding, acceptance and tolerance of all people within the Irvington community, as well as the global-community.. With focused district and school-level administrative leadership, the instructional staff facilitates academic-programs that are standard and research-based, providing students with the necessary critical-thinking skills, values, and ideals that will propel them into becoming productive citizens in the 21st Century.

During this 2023-2024 school year we will continue to address the challenges of closing the achievement gap with enthusiasm and commitment. We will take a student-centered approach to teaching and learning, prioritizing the needs, interests and abilities of individual students. Small group instruction tailored to accommodate diverse learning styles and abilities will lead to increased student engagement and comprehension. Thus, translates into student achievement. We will continue to encourage active participation and interaction in the learning process to enhance understanding and retention. Activities like discussions, group projects, hands-on experiments, and problem-solving exercises will foster critical thinking and application of knowledge.

Technology plays an important role in our instructional practices. All of our scholars have access to devices that are utilized to enhance our teaching and learning of the curriculum. Our classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards that engage students through multimedia presentations. Incorporating technology into teaching facilitates access to resources, promotes interactive learning, and prepares students for the 21st century. However, we maintain a balance to ensure technology complements, rather than replaces, traditional teaching methods.

MAS will continue with our recognition and award system for students’ using Class Dojo as our positive behavioral support intervention program. Students who demonstrated positive behavior in our classrooms will earn Class Dojo points. Throughout the school, social-emotional learning (SEL) activities and practices will be promoting healthy habits and relationships.

MAS will be offering after school programs to further enrich our scholars academic and social experiences. Our programs are designed to promote academic achievement and character development as well as mitigate any at-risk circumstances that serve as barriers for growth. It is our goal that afterschool programs contribute to increasing academic proficiency, school bonding, prosocial behavior, and decreased problem behavior.

We look forward to collaborating with our MAS families and creating a supportive network that enhances students’ educational experiences. Open communication along with transparency will help align our efforts towards the common goal of student success. Our parent coordinator will work closely with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) to offer quarterly workshops that assist parents in moving their child(ren) forward.
We plan to focus our engagement efforts on an inclusive and welcoming school environment for all families. We will develop and promote meaningful opportunities to engage family priorities and knowledge to support their child’s education.

In the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, it is our goal to continue the momentum of achievement set forth. We plan to provide small group instruction and personalized attention that can only be delivered authentically from our committed and dedicated teachers. We will continue to explore ways to provide more enriching learning experiences by incorporating technology creatively into our lessons. In addition, we will continue to incorporate social emotional learning activities that will develop skills that will benefit students throughout their lives. Development of every scholar’s academic and emotional potential is paramount. We have much to look forward to and we plan to accomplish these things in a nurturing and safe environment.