MTV Reopening Parent Letter Key Points

Dear Parents/Guardians:

On April 19, 2021, Mt. Vernon Avenue Elementary School will open its doors, returning to in-person learning after being remote for over one year. All district employees have worked around the clock to ensure the safety of students and staff and are committed to continuing to provide the best educational experience for your child.

It is strongly encouraged that you begin re-establishing routines with your child, such as, going to bed early, waking up timely enough to prepare for school, review of COVID-19 safety precautions such as handwashing, proper use of public restrooms, wearing a mask and social distancing.

The IPS-MTV Parent Reopening Handbook, is located on the school website, available in Spanish and Haitian Creole and provides you with detailed information regarding the reopening of schools.

Key points of the handbook are summarized below. You have also been sent your child’s Cohort Assignment Letter, which you must bring to school with you on your first date of return.

Key Points to prepare for the April 19th reopening of schools:
1. Students will follow a hybrid schedule, identified by Cohort A and Cohort B

Cohort A receives in-person learning on Monday and Tuesday
Cohort B receives in-person learning on Thursday and Friday

2. All students will remain remote on Wednesdays.

3. School hours are from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Students nor parents are permitted in the building before 8:30 am.

4. Students picked-up late on two or more occasions will be moved to full remote learning.

5. Students must enter and exit from their assigned entry/exit doors.

6. Masks are expected to be worn at all times and students must follow 6 ft. social distancing. Students not adhering to this expectation will be moved to full remote learning.

7. Temperature screenings will be taken upon arrival to the school. Parents should wait until their child has cleared the temperature checkpoint.

8. Breakfast will be served in the classrooms. Lunch will be Grab-N-Go and distributed at dismissal.

9. Students must bring their fully charged Chromebook to school daily.

10. Parents/Guardians must provide ID when picking up Kindergarten and Grade 1 students.

11. Students may bring water bottles as the water fountains will not be accessible.

12. Fully remote students may pick-up breakfast and lunch at the Mt. Vernon Ave. Main Entrance near the former Blue Knights Academy.

13. School uniforms are strongly encouraged.

Please read the full IPS-MTV Reopening Handbook prior to the first day of school reopening.

Further, we ask that you exercise patience to support a smooth first day back as we need to ensure all safety precautions are followed. Please contact the main office should you have any questions, 973-399-6875 ext. 1401, 1402, 1414.


Ms. N. Gilmore, Principal Ms. Y. Dentley, Vice Principal

Arrival Procedures

All students will arrive at 8:30 a.m. and enter through their designated doors.

Main Entrance on Mt. Vernon Avenue (lining up near Rosehill Avenue) Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
Exit 3 (back of playground) Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Bussed Students Mt. Vernon Avenue Gate (top of Rosehill)

In order to expedite the arrival process, please make sure your child is wearing a mask prior to arriving at the building and approaching the temperature scanner machine.

Dismissal Procedures

Dismissal will begin at 12:30. Parents must be on-time to pick-up their children.
Kindergarten and Grade 1 students must be signed out. Proper ID required. Students picked up late will be located in the cafeteria.

Please pick-up your children at the designated locations and signs

Exit 2 (Cafeteria Grounds) – Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 5
Exit 3 (Playground) – Grade 3, Grade 4
Bussed Students – Mt. Vernon Avenue Main Entrance