Berkeley Terrace Elementary School
The Berkeley Terrace Chromebook Distribution plan is as follows:
1. When you arrive at Berkeley Terrace Elementary School please report to the parking lot entrance.
2. Please remember to keep social distance.
3. You will be required to present Identification and Sign off for your child’s (children) chrome book.
4. Once you have done that a chrome book will be assigned to you.
Thank you
Chancellor Avenue School
Chromebook – Report Card Distribution Plan
Thursday, April 30, 2020 – 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday, May 1, 2020 – 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Gymnasium
- The chromebooks and report cards will be distributed from the gymnasium.
- Parents/guardians will not be allowed to enter the gymnasium if their noses and mouths are not covered.
- The line to enter the gymnasium will begin at the Park Place Gymnasium door.
- Cones will be placed at 6 feet distances outside and inside as mandated to organize the line.
- School visitation procedures will be followed.
- The parents/guardian will give their child’s first and last name to the security officer and indicate that they are there to pick up a chromebook, report card or both.
- The security officer will verify that the parent/guardian is authorized to retrieve a report card or chromebook by reviewing the adults ID, the Power School information and the Free/Reduced list.
- The parents/guardians will enter the gymnasium maintaining the required 6 feet distance as indicated by the cones.
- The parents/guardians will be directed to proceed to one of the three tables.
- The parents/guardians will sign the Chromebook Student User Agreement form and retrieve the chromebook, if applicable.
- The parents/guardians will retrieve the report card, if applicable.
- The parents/scholars will exit the gymnasium via the Nesbit Street Door.
Florence Avenue School
Chromebook Distribution
Thursday, 4/30 8:30-12:00, 4:00- 6:00 pm
Friday, 5/1 8:30-12:00
Grove Street School
Dear Parents and Guardians of the Grove Street Family:
Hoping that this message meets you in the best of health and happiness.
On Thursday, April 30th from 8:30 am-12:00 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm and Friday, May 1st 8:30 am- 12:00 pm, Grove Street School will begin its laptop distribution.
In an effort to ensure that we are following COVID 19 guidelines and an efficient laptop distribution process, it is very important that we all review and adhere to the procedures outlined below.
Criteria for Retrieving Laptops
- Laptops will be distributed only to the parent or guardian listed in Power School. No one on the Emergency List designated as an emergency contact will be permitted to pick up a laptop.
- Only parents whose children have confirmed free and reduced status will be loaned laptops. You may ask your teacher via email or Class Dojo if your child’s name appears on the free and reduced list.
- Only 1 laptop per 3 Irvington Public School students in each household.
- More than 3 scholars in a household will qualify you for 2 laptops.
- Parents and guardians must present a picture State ID.
- Keep a safe distance of 6 feet apart from others as well as the staff involved in the distribution process.
- Please wear a mask/facial covering as well as gloves.
Procedure for Retrieving Laptops
When you approach the front of Grove Street School (Exit 7) you must remain by the cone at the base of the stairs until the family at the table finishes their transaction.
A member of the distribution team will request the name and grade of your child/children, as well as your name and photo identification.
Two copies of the contract, along with a pen will be placed on the table. You must sign both. After signing, please place the pen in the box that is located on the floor next to the table. Leave one copy of the contract on the table.
You may retrieve the laptop and the charger that are placed on the table, along with your child’s report card.
Thank you for understanding that there is no time for conversation. A wave will suffice. Please leave the premises as quickly as possible.
If you are able to, please bring a bag to carry your items. The charger and the laptop must be returned in the condition in which they were received. If these items are missing or destroyed, you will be responsible for the replacement.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and your patience during these unprecedented times.
Please be safe and well.
Dr. Deniese Cooper, Principal
Madison Avenue School
Chromebook Distribution Directions
Chromebooks will be distributed on Cummings Avenue at the Pre-School entrance/exit. We ask that parents/guardians who are picking-up Chromebooks follow the steps outlined below:
- Safety Protocols will be practiced. Social distancing is a MUST and face masks needed.
- Be prepared to show ID. No laptop will be released without proper ID. ONLY parents/guardians can pick-up laptops.
- If possible, bring your own pen to complete the Chromebook Student User Agreement release form.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
Mount Vernon Elementary School
Dear Mt. Vernon Eagle Parents/Guardians,
Beginning Thursday, April 30th from 8:30 am-12:00 pm, 4:00 pm-6:00 pm and Friday, May 1st 8:30 am- 12:00 pm, Mt. Vernon Avenue Elementary School will begin distributing Chromebooks.
In an effort to ensure that we are following COVID-19 guidelines and an efficient Chromebook distribution process, it is very important that everyone review and adhere to the procedures outlined below.
Criteria for Retrieving Chromebooks
- Chromebooks will only be distributed to the parent or guardian listed in Power School. No one on the Emergency Contact List may pick up a Chromebook.
- Only parents whose children have confirmed Free or Reduced Lunch status will be loaned a Chromebook. If you are unsure, you may ask your teacher via email or Class Dojo if your child’s name appears on the free and reduced list.
- Only 1 Chromebook per 3 Irvington Public School students in each household.
- Parents and guardians must present a picture State ID.
- Practice social distancing (i.e. keeping 6-feet apart from others while conducting business).
- Please wear a mask/facial covering.Procedure for Retrieving Chromebooks/Report Cards and Returning Packets
- Line-up alongside the front entrance of Mt. Vernon Avenue School
- K – 2 line-up to the right of the front entrance (signs will be posted)
- Grades 3 – 5 line-up to the left of the front entrance (signs will be posted)
- Drop your child’s instructional packet in the crate by grade level
- Place your picture State ID card on the table
- Write your child’s last name and grade on the sign-in sheet provided
- Sign both copies of the parent technology agreement form
- Your Chromebook, Report Card, Class Dojo and PowerSchool Parent Login Credentials will beplaced on the table for you to take with you
- Pick-up your breakfast/lunch (from 8:30 – 11:30 am)
Thank you for your patience and support. Continue to be safe and well.
Ms. N. Gilmore, Principal
Ms. Y. Dentley, Vice-Principal
MTV Chromebook Distribution Guidelines Eng-Creo-Span – Printable PDF
Thurgood Marshall Elementary School
Dear Thurgood Parents/Guardians,
Beginning Thursday, April 30th from 8:30 am-12:00 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm and Friday, May 1st 8:30 am- 12:00 pm, Thurgood Marshall School will begin Chromebook distribution.
In an effort to ensure that we are following COVID-19 guidelines and an efficient Chromebook distribution process, it is very important that we all review and adhere to the procedures outlined below.
Criteria for Retrieving Chromebooks
- Chromebooks will only be distributed to the parent or guardian listed in Power School.
- Only parents whose children have confirmed free or reduced status will be loanedChromebooks. You may ask your teacher via email or Class Dojo if your child’s nameappears on the free and reduced list.
- Only 1 Chromebook per three students in each household.
- Parents and guardians must present a picture State ID.Procedure for Retrieving Chromebooks
- Line-up in the parking lot. Keep a safe distance of 6 feet apart from parents and guardians in line and staff distributing materials.
- Please wear a mask/facial covering.
- Upon entrance into the cafeteria, drop your child’s instructional packet in the crate by grade level
- Place your picture State ID card on the table
- Write your child’s last name and grade on the paper
- Sign the parent technology agreement form (2 copies)
- Your Chromebook, report card and PowerSchool Parent Login will be given to you.
Thank you for your patience and support. Continue to be safe and well.
University Elementary School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thursday, April 30th from 8:30 am-12:00 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm and Friday, May 1st 8:30 am- 12:00 pm, University Elementary School will begin laptop distribution. Lunch/Breakfast distribution will be temporarily relocated to Door #9 in front of the school building by the playground.
In an effort to ensure that we are following COVID 19 guidelines and an efficient laptop distribution process, it is very important that we all review and adhere to the procedures outlined below.
Criteria for Retrieving Laptops
- Laptops will only be distributed to the parent or guardian listed in Power School. No one on the Emergency List may pick up a laptop.
- Only parents whose children have confirmed free and reduced status will be loaned laptops. You may ask your teacher via email or Class Dojo if your child’s name appears on the free and reduced list.
- Only 1 laptop per 3 Irvington Public School students in each household.
- Parents and guardians must present a picture State ID.
- Keep a safe distance of 6 feet apart from parents and guardians in line and staff distributing materials.
- Please arrive to school wearing a mask and gloves.
Procedure for Retrieving Laptops
1st When you approach the front of University Elementary School, please remain by the cone at
the base of the stairs.
2nd Where to pick up laptops (signs will be posted):
- Kindergarten through 2nd grades will retrieve laptops from the exterior of University Elementary School’s main lobby door.
- 3rd through 5th grades will retrieve laptops directly from door #1, which is to the left of the main lobby door .
3rd When called, please place the following items on the desk located at the top of the stairs.
- Your picture State ID
- Paper with the first and last name of your child
After placing items on the desk, return to the cone at the base of the stairs.
4th A staff member will record the information and retrieve your contract. We have arranged for all contracts to be prefilled with names and addresses.
After the staff member places your contract on the desk, return to the top of the stairs to sign the contract with your pen/pen provided, detach the envelope containing your child’s report card and Power School password information from the contract & place the signed contract face up in the box marked “CONTRACTS” by the glass door. Place the pen in the box marked “PENS”. Then return to the base of the stairs.
5th After a staff member checks your signature and places your child’s assigned laptop on the desk, return to the top of the stairs to retrieve the laptop, your ID and child’s name.
Thank you for your patience and support.
Continue to be safe and well.
Ms. Boone-Gibbs, Principal
Union Avenue Middle School
Chromebooks Distribution Plan
Location: Union Avenue Staff Parking Lot at the New Gym Entrance
Dates: Thursday, April 30th from 8:30 AM to 12 PM and 4 PM to 6 PM
Friday, May 1st from 8:30 AM to 12 PM
- 3 tables (1 table for Chromebooks;1 for the User Agreement Form; and 1 for the return of Packets)
- Cones, 6 feet distancing signs, tape to mark direction
- Gloves, masks
- Student labels for Chromebooks
- Report Cards and envelopes
- Parent/student will provide his or her name at 6-ft distancing mark and drop off packet at Table 1, show identification and complete and submit the form at table 2 and retrieve the Chromebook at table 3
- Report cards will be arranged in alphabetical order by student names and handed out to the parent/guardian
- School personnel will monitor the lines for social distancing and replenish Chromebooks and boxes for packets when necessary
Inclement Weather:
Tables will be placed inside the new gym at 6 feet apart for social distancing. The steps listed under Procedures will be followed inside the new gym.
Note: Due to Covid-19 precautionary measures, everyone including parents and guardians must wear masks and gloves.
University Middle School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thursday, April 30th from 8:30 am-12:300 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm and Friday, May 1st 8:30 am- 12:00 pm, University Middle School will begin laptop distribution. Please make sure you arrive in enough time prior to the ending time. Distribution will take place at the flagpole entrance, large stairway at the middle of the school. Please be prepared for inclement weather, large crowds are not permitted in the building.
In an effort to ensure that we are following COVID 19 guidelines and an efficient laptop distribution process, it is very important that we all review and adhere to the procedures outlined below.
Criteria for Retrieving Laptops
- Laptops will only be distributed to the parent or guardian listed in Power School. No one on the Emergency List may pick up a laptop.
- Only parents whose children have confirmed free and reduced status will be loaned laptops. You may ask your child’s counselor via email if your child’s name appears on the free and reduced list.
- Only 1 laptop per 3 Irvington Public School students in each household.
- Parents and guardians must present a picture State ID.
- Keep a safe distance of 6 feet apart from parents and guardians in line and staff distributing materials.
- It is encouraged that you wear a mask and gloves. This is for your safety.
Procedure for Retrieving Laptops
When you approach the front of University Middle School, please remain by the cone at the base of the stairs.
- When on-line, please have your ID ready for security to view and confirm. You will receive a paper to clearly print your childs’s name and grade.
- When you are called provide the staff member with your picture ID and paper with your child’s info
- Contract will be provided for signature along with report card and PowerSchool password for the portal
- Place signed contract and pen in the box provided
- The assigned laptop with be provided and credentials returned
Laptop Responsibilities
- Laptop should be used for its intended purposes, not games, movies, etc
- Laptop is to be returned in the condition it was received at the end of the school year
Thank you for your patience and support.
Continue to be safe and well.
Ms. Tucker, Principal
Irvington High School
IHS ChromeBook Distribution Plan
Plan of action:
Principal will send Robocall messages (in multiple languages) to inform students and parents of the distribution dates, (Thursday, April 30 & Friday, May 1). Information will be made available for students on each grade level cohort Google Classroom pages.
Cones will be marked at six feet apart to enforce social distancing mandates.
Personnel: Administrators, Custodians, Secretaries, Security
Location: Irvington High School, Front Doors (Doors 1(right side) and Door 3(left side))
2 Tables and 4 chairs should be set up.
Parent/Guardian/Student must provide valid ID, sign contract, receive chromebook & power charging cord
Door 1 (Grades 9 & 10) and Door 3 (Grades 11 & 12)
Photocopies of the Chromebook user agreement contract for parents/guardians will be made available.
Once the serial number is recorded and parent/guardian signs contract, (distributor will indicate on prepared digital sheet) parent will be informed to go to the district website to seek information on the following:
- How to use the chromebooks
- Help getting ‘home’ internet
- How to access forms to complete if the chromebook is damaged
- Access to the online chromebook agreement
- Distance learning tips for students
IHS ChromeBook Distribution Plan (April-May, 2020) – Printable PDF
Blue Knights Academy
lue Knights Academy
Chromebook Distribution Plan
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thursday, April 30th from 8:30 am-12:30 pm and 4:00 pm-6:00 pm and Friday, May 1st 8:30 am- 12:30 pm, Blue Knights Academy will begin laptop distribution. Lunch/Breakfast distribution will still take place next door at Mount Vernon Elementary School.
In an effort to ensure that we are following COVID 19 guidelines and an efficient laptop distribution process, it is very important that we all review and adhere to the procedures outlined below.
Criteria for Retrieving Laptops
- Laptops will only be distributed to the student or parent/guardian listed in PowerSchool. No one on the Emergency List may pick up a laptop.
- Students who have free and reduced lunch status will be loaned laptops first. (Others can retrieve laptops on a first come first served basis.)
- Only 1 laptop per 3 Irvington Public School students in each household.
- Parents and guardians must present a picture State ID.
- Keep a safe distance of 6 feet apart from parents and guardians in line and staff distributing materials, by observing to cones.
- Arrive to school wearing a mask and gloves. Without a mask and gloves, you will not be served.
Procedure for Retrieving Laptops
1st When you approach BKA Main Entrance, ring the bell and wait for the door to be opened. If someone is in front of you, observe the 6 feet social distancing guidelines by standing by the cones.
2nd Enter the building and walk to the table at the top of the stairs next to the Metal Detectors
3rd Place your Id on the table, and complete the Chromebook Loan Agreement Form.
4th Once you have completed the form, step back from the table and back down the stairs towards the door.
5th. A staff member will retrieve the signed contract and check the ID.
6th .The staff member will then record the information.
7th. The staff member will bring a Chromebook sign-out log and place it on the table.
8th The student or parent/guardian will complete the sign-out log documenting the retrieval of the Chromebook. Once completed, return to the bottom of the stairs to observe 6 feet social distancing rules.
9th. The staff member will place the assigned Chromebook on the table and retrieve the sign-out log.
10th. The student or parent/guardian will return to the table, pick up the Chromebook and exit the building.
Thank you for your patience and support.
Continue to be safe and well.
H. Ato-Bakari Chase,