Dear Parents/Guardians,
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) Spring 2023 will be held during the month of May 2023. More information regarding the state assessments can be found on our district website by clicking here.
The NJSLA are statewide assessments that gauge students’ progress toward mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) in ELA, Mathematics, and Science. The NJSLA assessments provide a deeper level of information about students ‘performance; and the testing environment will follow the NJDOE protocols and procedures.
We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your child arrives to school on time so that they do not miss any of the assessments.
- Testing will begin at the start of Period 1,
- Once the test has begun a student will not be permitted to enter the testing room. Students who are tardy or absent will be required to take the assessment on the designated make-up day,
- Students are prohibited from bringing the following items into the testing site (classroom):
- No coats, backpacks, purses, pillows, or blankets
- No cell phones, air pods, iPads, iPods, or unauthorized electronics
- No electronic watches
- No food or beverages (except if prior approval is given)
- No unauthorized material
- Bluetooth headphones are not permitted
Students’ violation of any of the testing regulations will result in disciplinary actions as outlined in the District’s Student Code of Conduct.
Please emphasize the importance of taking the test seriously as it represents the hard work that your child has put into school all year. In addition, ensure that your child has plenty of rest the evening before each test and that your child has a healthy breakfast so that he/she may perform optimally.
If you have any questions regarding the NJSLA, contact the principal and/or School counselor of your child’s school
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to your child’s education.
Dr. April Vauss
Superintendent of Schools