The Irvington Board of Education has established a comprehensive, competitive and flexible range of benefit plans that provide for the unique needs of its staff members. Please explore this page and inform yourself about the numerous benefits afforded you as an Irvington Public Schools staff member.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage

Meritain Health is pleased to provide you with the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) documents for your health insurance plan. The coverage period for the benefits on the SBC is located in the upper right-hand corner. The SBC is a requirement of the Affordable Care Act.

Please review your Meritain Health Member ID Card to confirm your current plan enrollment.

To view your summary of benefits, please use the links below


Exclusive Provider Organization Plans (EPO) formerly Health Network Only

+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – EPO 10
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – EPO 15/25
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – EPO 20/20
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – EPO 20/35

Point of Service Plans (POS) formerly Open Access Plans

+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – POS 10
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – POS 15
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – POS 15/25
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – POS 20/20
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – POS 20/35
+ Summary of Benefits and Coverage – POS HDHP

Leaves of Absences

A leave of absence as per the Family and Medical Leave Act and/or the New Jersey Family Leave Act is
available to employees due to their personal health issues or to care for a family member.

  • The employee must give written notice to Dr. Vauss, Superintendent of Schools and
    copy their Principal / Supervisor and email:
  • All requests for leave must be submitted 30-days in advance, unless due to emergency/urgent issue
  • An explanation of emergency/urgent issue is required for waiver of 30-day advance notice requirement
  • Supporting medical certification must be supplied in a timely manner to the Benefits Manager.

Please be guided by the following documents, forms and links for additional information.